Architectural Acoustics
Architectural acousticians enhance the value of buildings and reduce risk in their construction through design analysis and advice to assure acoustical conditions suitable for the use of the space. We also assist owners, architects, or mechanical engineers of existing buildings that have problems.
Demanding projects such as the music facilities at Virginia Tech demonstrate our ability to produce world-class results on the most challenging projects. Services include include basic planning, room acoustics, sound isolation, mechanical noise control, and (in association with others) sound systems. We make rooms suitable for speech or music (or both), control crowd noise or make the singing loud, and provide speech clarity or privacy as appropriate.
We will work on a limited part of a project if you desire, but we believe it is in our client's best interest to investigate all potential problems fully. A room with excellent room acoustics can be unusable if there is noise from an adjacent room, a noisy mechanical system, or a poorly designed sound system. Also, do not forget outdoor sources like chillers that can be a severe problem for neighbors as well as the owner.
All buildings involve compromise. Even when acoustics are paramount, a space may not be acoustically perfect for every potential use because different uses demand different acoustical conditions. We work for either the owner or the architect or engineer to provide the best possible acoustical conditions for building users within the constraints imposed. We also can assist with Value Engineering studies of the designs of others to help reduce cost while retaining the acoustical value.